Got a long one for you this week.
HAHA i cant believe you used that story. haha i learned something great this week. I eat to live, not live to eat.
Not but seriously. I eat something not good for me everyday. So I'm
trying harder to do that. I guess i am getting a little chubs but "thats
alright." they say thats alright whenever you say thankyou so everyone
makes fun of me when i say you're welcome. And i'm trying to say
"sorry?" instead of WHAT? it seems a bit obnoxious now.
Lets see this week. Well first off it went by SO fast. We're
still trying to get the records sorted. There's a lot of missionary work
found in visiting less actives because they usually have a spouse that
is not a member. We met one last monday. She's related to me some how.
Her last name used to be Mullen and she's from Scotland. As we were
going through our list we met Wen Chen and Yolenda. They are backpackers
living here for 3 years. They were interested so we came to teach them.
Its so hard though because there is a language barrier. You can feel
the spirit but then wehn we ask them a question. they'll all of a sudden
be like wait what? haha. So one of our members helps translate.
We have an investigator Sandy who just is not really
interested. She's agreed to be baptized and its like she just wants to
please us but doesnt really want to talk to us. So i dont know if she
really actually even understands anything. Its like she has a testimony
because she just wants to be i dont even know. i keep praying that i'll
understand her but i dont.
It has definitely been a challenging week. I've seen Satan try
and tear me down in every way and every best way possible. Its super
annoying. Comparison is the theif of joy. Comparing myself to others is
the struggle of my life. But coming here has helped me to deal with
those feelings. Its impossible not to compare yourself but its possible
to not dwell in those feelings. As I've been TRYING, struggling to
finish the BOM by THIS SUNDAY ( you can hold me accountable to that)
I've seen that there are those who "dwindle in unbelief". They are the
ones that fail. its okay to have doubts. its not okay to stay there.
We have been teaching the edmond family. they are great. The
dad was excommunicated but is working towards baptism. The mom struggles
with smoking but we have almost committed her to a date for baptism.
she is scared she wont be able to give up smoking. And their daughter
jade has told us she wants to get baptized before the end of this year.
She is so ready. But her mom really wants to get baptized with her. So
we'll give it a couple weeks. Ah i'm so excited for Jade though.
I'm not sure if i told you about the Cushway family. They are
amazing. They know that there is somehting about the church and they
feel the spirit so much. They are so senstivie to the spirit which is
rare. They see it everywhere. I really would like to see them get
sealed. He is a member. She isn't. Hopefully seeing them seald or them
getting sealed is in Heavenly father's plan for me.
We also have the Kruger family. They are hilarious. They have 2
daughters, cant really remember their names BUT. they're awesome. I
think one is ella? Anyway. We get along with them really well. After our
first meeting with them, they gave us veggies from their garden! I was
so excited. But then i left them in a fridge at the church so they're
probably rotten now :( boo. Anyway yeah we had a baptism saturday! Great
Hunt. It reminds me a lot my first baptism. I get here about a week and
they have a baptism lined up. She's young as well. and just so golden.
she wants to serve a mission and see the SLC temple. She's amazing. And
yeah the baptism went well. The ward didn't really show up. but luckily
if two tongan families show up it looks like a whole ward. She was happy
so i was happy. The ward is very supportive but I know that they have
way more potential to be misisonaries. Just like we all do.
OH MY GOSH. SUNDAY was just the best. Its been kind of hard
lately to stay motivated. My companion is going home in a couple weeks
so I can understand why its hard for her to stay motivated. But it
STINKS because whatever you feel, it affects your companion. And i know
that if she's unmotivated, I'll get unmotivated and if i do that, it
just makes things worse! So i was pretty down at church because it felt
like things were just in a deep dark hole and it would take forever to
get my drive back. but then after sacrament meeting i looked back and
one of our investigators sister Poi was in the chapel! We invited her
and her family to come to church that morning but her husband said no.
She showed up anyway. I was amazed. She was literally the last person i
expected to be at churhc. We teach her and her husband and his sisters
every sunday. They are all members of the church except her. Ah! it was
the best feeling. And sister stubbs was telling us that Amelia (a less
active we randomly found through her non member husband) her family all
over the world (cousins daughters sons) were commenting on her fb page
teling her that they were so excited she was going back to church and
meeting with us. It made me feel so good. Miracles do happen and I am a
witness of that.
Love you. Thank you for all the love and support.
Sister Mullen
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